Here is how you can link Slack Enterprise Grid (multi-workspace channel) and Unipos.
Slack Enterprise Grid and Unipos can be linked.
You can see this page to confirm 4 functions you can use after linking Slack Enterprise Grid to Unipos.
Please note the following reminders to use these functions.
・How to link Slack Enterprise Grid to Unipos
・Viewing posts and clapping from Slack
・Notifications to Slack
・Sending a post and confirming the remaining points from Slack
┗ Sending a post by using a unique Slack command
┗ Approval flow
Reminders when using Slack Enterprise Grid
▼How to link Slack Enterprise Grid to Unipos
Please refer to this page.
※Workspace: Choose a workspace from multi-workspace channels.
※Channel: Choose a multi-workspace channel.
▼Viewing posts and clapping from Slack
- Viewing posts
You can view posts from each workspace. - Clapping for posts
Basically, Users who belong to the workspace linked to Unipos can clap. - The above users can clap even from workspaces that are not linked to Unipos when multiple workspaces are connected in a multi-workspace channel.
※However, if both of the following conditions apply, clapping is possible even if you belong to a workspace that is not linked to Unipos.
- Belongs to a multi-workspace channel linked with Unipos
- Never belonged to a workspace linked with Unipos, including past or present, and currently belongs only to a workspace that does not link Unipos
- To clap, the email addresses registered in Unipos and Slack workspaces must match.
▼Notifications to Slack
- Notifications to Slack (i.e. when you receive claps or a post)
Users who belong to the workspace linked to Unipos will receive notifications.
・If multiple workspaces are connected through a multi-workspace channel, notifications will be sent to each workspace. - Users belonging only to workspaces not yet linked to Unipos will not be notified.
- In order to receive notifications, the email addresses registered in each Unipos and Slack workspace must match.
"Unipos-only workspace" linked to Unipos and "Workspaces A, B, and C" not linked to Unipos.
⇒Users belonging to "Unipos-only workspaces" are also notified in "workspaces A, B and C".
⇒Users belonging only to "Workspace C" will not be notified of any workspace.
▼Sending a post and confirming the remaining points from Slack
- Sending a post to Unipos: Please use a slash command (\unipos). You can use a command or display a dialog.
- Confirming the remaining points: Please use a slash command (/unipos-point).
These functions are available on the workspace linked to Unipos.
※Members need to register the same email address on Unipos and the linked workplace.
※Slash commands can only be used on the workplace linked to Unipos by admins.
※Slash commands can be used after Unipos is approved on the Slack admin dashboard.
▽Sending a post by using a unique Slack command
To use this function on multiple workspaces, one of the workspaces needs to be linked to Unipos.
You can install a unique Slack command to use it on workspaces that are not linked to Unipos.
※The unique Slack command needs to be installed in advance to send a post.
※Please refer to "For Slack Enterprise Grid users" regarding how to set up a unique Slack command.
▽Approval flow
The organization's admin dashboard --> Apps --> Approve the app --> Approve
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