・Notes about the send a post
・How to send a post
┗ Display a dialog to send a post
┗ Use a command to send a post
Notes about the send a post
To send a post, the following must be met;
- Slack linking is set up
- The registered email address on Slack and Unipos must match
In the following examples, you may fail to share a post without seeing an error message.
- You share a post through a private channel or direct message
※We recommend that you share a post through an open channel. - You send a post to yourself
- You share a post through a private channel or direct message
How to send a post
There are two ways to create a post on Unipos.
- Display a dialog
- Use a command
You can share your posts not only on the Unipos timeline, but also on Slack by posting on the channel you want to share your post.
Display a dialog to send a post
1. Enter "/unipos" as a command and send
Then, you will see a dialog box.
2. Create your post in the dialog
Please see the descriptions of each item below.
- Specify the recipients of the post.
- You can specify multiple recipients (up to 120 members).
You can search by names that are registered in Slack.
- Please note that if you try to post to someone who is not registered in Slack or Unipos, you will receive an error message.
If the admin has turned on the “Login ID function”, “Login ID members” who don’t have an email address can also be selected.
- Click on the form marked “Please select here if you are a member who does not use Slack".
- The name of the “Login ID member” displayed is the name registered with Unipos.
- Enter the number of points you want to send per recipient.
- Please use half-width numbers.
- The total points (points sent to each recipient x the number of recipients) cannot exceed 120 points or "Points available".
- Your message
- Please note that if your message (including the #team hashtag) exceeds 400 characters, an error message will be displayed.
Team hashtags:
- Team hashtags you want to include in your post (optional).
You will see a question:"Do you want to post on this channel too?"
- Choose "Yes" if you want to share your post on the Slack channel you are on when you create the post.
※A post can be sent without points or hashtags.
※You cannot use a command within a thread or "shared" comment.
3. Click "Send"
This completes the post.
Use a command to send a post
1.Type "/unipos" and the following information on Slack and send
Please enter the following information after "/unipos".
- You can specify multiple recipients.
- Please note that if you try to post to someone who is not registered in Slack or Unipos, you will receive an error message.
- Enter the number of points you want to send per recipient.
- The total points (points sent to each recipient x the number of recipients) cannot exceed 120 points or "Points available".
Message (#Hashtag)
- Please note that if your message (including the #team hashtag) exceeds 400 characters, an error message will be displayed.
※The content after "/unipos" can be submitted in any order.
※Please insert a half-width space after each of "/unipos", "@recipient", "+point", and "message (#hashtag)".
2. Send the post
This completes the post.
Your post will be displayed on the channel you shared the post in.
※If you choose "No" for the question in the dialog: "Do you want to share your post on this channel?", your post will not be displayed on the channel.