Unipos and Slack must be linked before you use this function. Click here to see how to link these two platforms.
- Send a post
- Confirm the remaining points
※If you are using Slack Enterprise Grid, please ensure you choose a Workplace where all of your Unipos users are registered.
1. Create a unique Slack App
i) Access and click "Create New App."
ii) Enter an app name, choose a Slack Workspace and click "Create App."
※If you are using Slack Enterprise Grid, please choose your preferred Workplace.
2. Manage settings of your unique Slack App
i) Click "Basic Information" and open "Display Information." Then, enter "App name", "Short description", "App icon", and "Background color", and click "Save Changes."
ii) Click "Slash Commands" and "Create New Command."
iii) Create Slash Commands for sending a post and confirming the remaining points. Once information is entered, click "Save."
<Slach Command for sending a post>
Command:Enter as desired.
Request URL: Enter ""
Short Description:Enter as desired.
Usage Hint:Enter as desired.
Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app:Check the box.
<Slash Command for confirming the remaining points>
Command:Enter as desired.
Request URL: Enter ""
Short Description:Enter as desired.
Usage Hint:Enter as desired.
Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app:Check the box.
3. Install the unique Slack App to your Workplace.
※If you are using Slack Enterprise Grid, refer to <For Slack Enterprise Grid users> below.
i) Click "Basic Information", "Install your app" and "Install to Workspace."
ii) Open Slack and confirm the registered Slack Command is displayed.
To confirm, start typing "/(command)" and see if your command is suggested.
Please ensure that both commands (for sending a post and confirming the remaining points) are suggested.
※You can't use your commands at this point yet.
No issues? Then, you're good to go!
<For Slack Enterprise Grid users>
※If you would like to add your unique Slack App to multiple Workspaces, repeat the following procedures from i) to vii) as required.
i) Click "Basic Information" open "App Credentials." Then, copy "Client ID" and "Client Secret."
ii) Open a new tab in your Internet browser and enter the following link.[ClientID]&scope=commands
※Paste "Client ID" as copied in the procedure i).
iii) Choose the Workspace you want to add your unique Slack App to. Then, click "Authorize."
iv) Once the screen below appears, copy part of the link as highlighted in black in the picture below (i.e. between "code=" and "&state=").
v) Open a new tab in your Internet browser and enter the following link.[ClientID]&client_secret=[ClientSecret]&code=[code]
※Paste "Client ID", "Client Secret" and "code" as copied in the procedures i) and iv).
vi) Confirm that it is indicated '"ok":true' as shown in the picture below.
vii) Open Slack and confirm the registered Slash Command is displayed.
To confirm, start typing "/(command)" and see if your command is suggested.
Please ensure that both commands (for sending a post and confirming the remaining points) are suggested.
※If you are using Slack in the browser version, please open a new tab.
※You can't use your commands at this point yet.
No issues? Then, you're good to go!
If you have any questions, please contact us using the chat function in the bottom right-hand corner.