・Please read before deleting the Teams Unipos app
・How to delete the Teams Unipos app
┗ Teams admin deletes the app for all members
┗ Individual members delete the app for themselves
Please read before deleting the Teams Unipos app
The Teams admin or each member can delete the Teams Unipos app.
If you already use the API linking or browser display features, you can continue to use these functions. For more information on these features, please see "What is Microsoft Teams linking?"
If you already use the API linking or browser display features, you can continue to use these functions. For more information on these features, please see "What is Microsoft Teams linking?"
The Teams admin or each member can delete the Teams Unipos app
- The Teams admin needs to have administrative authority for Teams.
- To delete the Teams Unipos app, you must follow the same way it was installed. In other words, if the Teams admin installed the Teams Unipos app, they must uninstall it. If an individual member installed the app, the member must unstall it.
How to delete the Teams Unipos app
Teams admin deletes the app for all members
1. Access Microsoft Teams admin center, and click "Teams apps" > "Setup policies"
2. Under "Installed apps", choose "Unipos" and click "Delete"
Individual members delete the app for themselves
1. In the sidebar, click "Apps" and "Manage your apps"
2. Choose "Unipos" and click the bin icon on the right-hand side
※If a bin icon does not appear and you see a message saying that you don't have authority to remove the app, the Teams admin must perform this action.
3. Click "Remove"