・Notes about the send a post
┗ Common
┗ If you are using only Teams API linking
・How to send a post
┗ 1. Pop up a dialog box to create a post
┗ 2. Create a post in the dialog box
┗ 3. Click "Send"
Notes about the send a post
To send a post, the following must be met;
- Teams Unipos app or Teams API linking is set up
- The registered email address on Microsoft Teams and Unipos must match.
- You can't send posts through the private channel.
If you are using only Teams API linking
- To send a post, in addition to the above, you must belong to a team for which Teams API linking has been set up.
You can't send a post from channels of teams that don't have Teams API linking set up.
(You can only send a post from channels of teams that have Teams API linking set up.)
How to send a post
1. Pop up a dialog box to create a post
Pop up a dialog box to create a post, using one of the ways below.
①Click "Start a post" > “Action and apps” > Unipos icon > “Send card"
at the bottom of the chat, and then, click Unipos icon > "Send card"
③Click Unipos icon at the channel or chat, and click "Send card"
※The Unipos icon can be displayed by right click Unipos from or “+” and select "Pin".
④In the meeting chat , click
at the bottom of chat > "More apps" > Unipos icon > "Send card"
2. Create a post in the dialog box
※Descriptions for each item are below.
To(Enter the recipient of the post)
- You can enter one recipient on each field.
- If you want to send a post to multiple members, click "+ Add members" and choose additional recipients one by one.
You can search users by the name and email address registered with Unipos, and choose from the suggested list.
- The iOS version of the Teams smartphone app does not allow you to search for members, so please scroll down the screen and select the member you want to send.
If the admin has turned on the “Login ID function”, “Login ID members” who don’t have an email address can also be selected.
- For “Login ID members”, you can search by names that are registered in Unipos, and choose from the suggested list.
- An error will occur if you try to send a post without specifying points or message text.
- Enter the number of points you want to send to each member.
- please use half-width numbers.
- Once you have entered the number, click "Total points" to use how many points you will use.
- The total points (points sent to each recipient x the number of recipients) cannot exceed 120 points or "Points available".
- Enter the message you want to send.
Team hashtags
- Enter the team hashtags you want to add (optional).
3. Click "Send"