・What is the Award function?
・How to view the Award page
┗ Web browser(PC)
┗ Smartphone app
・How to confirm previous Awards
・Reminders for Awarded Members
・Reminders for posts addressed to multiple members
┗ How to confirm the member who received a post
┗ Web browser(PC)
┗ Smartphone app
・Reminders for aggregate data
What is the Award function?
This function extracts posts and members that promote beneficial actions to the organization and teams. Those posts and members will be acknowledged on a regular basis.
Awards are given to the posts that were highly regarded during a certain period as specified by the admins, or to the members who embodied the value through their posts on will be based on the quantitative data on Unipos.
※Award events are set up by your company's admin. Please contact your company's admin if you have any questions regarding the content of the awards.
How to view the Award page
Web browser(PC)
Access the Award page from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
Smartphone app
Tap the on the top left-hand corner and "Award".
How to confirm previous Awards
Click or tap an award event to confirm the details.
Reminders for Awarded Members
Basically, the top 3 members displayed.
If there is a tie for the award, the maximum number of winners will be displayed in the top 6.
Reminders for posts addressed to multiple members
How to confirm the member who received a post
When the recipients of a post include 8 or more members, you can confirm everyone's names in the following ways.
Web browser(PC)
Click "+ Display all awarded members".
Smartphone app
Tap members' names who received the post.
Reminders for aggregate data
Aggregated data of Awarded posts and Awarded member will be within the post extraction period. Clap and post done outside the extraction period will not be reflected.
Awarded posts will be displayed as of the end date of the post extraction period. Any subsequent edits will not be reflected.