・①Start the function
┗ Start using the award function
・②Create an award system & event
┗ Create an award system
┗ Award system examples
┗ Create an award event
┗ Award event examples
①Start the function
Start using the award function
Go to "Team Admin", click "Award" and the "Award function" tab.
Turn on the "Make Award public".
Once the function is turned on, members will be able to see the award page. If you are not ready to make the screen public, please ensure to turn off the function.
※As a peace of mind for the initial use, you may want to complete all the preparations before turning on the function.
②Create an award system & event
Create an award system
The award system acknowledges members on a regular basis based on the Unipos usage data.
Plan how you would like to use the award function, and enter the award system name and award system description in the "Award System" tab.
The description will be displayed on the award page that is visible to members once the award event setting is turned on.
Award system examples
"Monthly MVP Award", "Value Award", "Unipos Award of the Month", etc. Please enter the award system name and description.
Create an award event
An award event is a page where you can create and edit the award details for members.
An award event is created within an award system, and a certain period of time is specified.
Please register an award event name (e.g. February 2021 MVP Award) in accordance with the award system. Then, please specify a period of Unipos posts that you want to extract.
※Award-winning posts will be displayed as of the end date of the post extraction period. Any subsequent edits will not be reflected.
Award event examples
"February 2021 MVP Award" Extraction period: 1 month
"2021 4Q Award" Extraction period: 3 months
"2021 Yearly Award" Extraction period: 1 year
You can create a variety of award events within a single award system by changing the extraction period.
Continued to... Create an award: ③Confirm the extracted posts / ④Award event setting and notification