・Customize award events
┗ Add an awarded post
┗ Edit an awarded post
┗ Delete an awarded post
┗ Filters for awarded posts
┗ Customization examples for awarded posts
・Customize awarded members
┗ Add an awarded member
┗ Edit an awarded member
┗ Delete an awarded member
┗ Customization examples for awarded members
The awarded posts and members can be customized by name or filter.
By customizing names or filters, you can effectively raise awareness for your organizational values and improve motivation in each department.
Please see the pages below for how to create award events.
- Create an award: ①Start the function / ②Create an award system & event
- Create an award: ③Confirm the extracted posts / ④Award event setting and notification
Customize award events
Click Team Admin > Award > Award system, and choose an event.
Add an awarded post
You can add up to 10 awarded posts.
Follow the steps below to add awarded posts.
- Click "Add"
Enter a Title and choose filters (Team hashtag, Department, and Criteria)
※Please be sure to enter a Title and Criteria.
※Click here to see more details for filters for awarded posts. -
Click "Search"
※It may take a few minuts before the results are displayed. - Choose a post from the results
- Click "Save this post"
The post that was added most recently will be displayed at the bottom.
Edit an awarded post
Follow the steps below to edit an existing awarded post.
- Hover your cursor over the post you want to edit, and click the pencil icon
Edit the title and choose filters (Team hashtag, Department, and Criteria)
※Click here to see more details for filters for awarded posts. -
Click "Search"
※It may take a few minuts before the results are displayed. - Choose a post from the results
- Click "Save this post"
Delete an awarded post
Follow the steps below to edit an existing awarded post.
- Hover your cursor over the post you want to delete, and click the bin icon
- Click "Delete"
Filters for awarded posts
See below for the details about each of the filters for awarded posts.
Team hashtag
You can choose up to 10 team hashtags.
The system uses the Boolean command "AND" when you use apply a filter.
- This means that if you use multiple teamhashtags, you will only see posts that contain all of the selected teamhashtags in the search results.
You can choose up to 10 departments.
Searches are based on the department of the member who received the post.
The system uses the Boolean command "OR" when you use apply a filter.
(Example) If you choose Department A and Department B
⇒The search results will show posts that include members who belong to Department A or Department B.
Child departments will be included in the search results.
(Example) Department A has Department B and Department C underneath.
⇒If you choose Department A, the search results will show posts that include members who belong to Department A, Department B, or Department C.
- Members' departments are as of the last date of the "posts extraction period".
You can choose either "Most claps received" or "Most members clapped".
Search results will be displayed in descending order.
"Most claps received" ⇒
Search results are displayed starting with the post which received the most number of claps. -
"Most members clapped" ⇒
Search results are displayed starting with the post for which the most number of people clapped.
"Most claps received" ⇒
Customization examples for awarded posts
Below are some examples for awards you can create by applying different filters.
The post with the most number of claps (Marketing Department)
"Team hashtag:unspecified team hashtag" x “Department:Marketing department" x "Criteria:Most claps received”
"Team hashtag:unspecified team hashtag" x “Department:Marketing department" x "Criteria:Most claps received”
Value Award - #unsunghero (Sales Department)
"Team hashtag:#unsunghero" x "Department:Sales department" x "Criteria:Most members clapped”
"Team hashtag:#unsunghero" x "Department:Sales department" x "Criteria:Most members clapped”
Unsung Hero Award #1 / Unsung Hero Award #2 / Unsung Hero Award #3
You can set the criteria as follows, and choose the top three posts from the results.
- "Team hashtag:#unsunghero" x "Department:unspecified department" x "Criteria:Most members clapped”
Customize awarded members
Click Team Admin > Award > Award system, and choose an event.
Add an awarded member
You can add up to 10 awarded members.
Follow the steps below to add awarded members.
- Click "Add"
Enter a title and choose filters (Department, Position, and Criteria)
※Please be sure to enter a title.
※Click here to see more details for filters for awarded members. -
Click "Save" and wait until the search results are displayed
※It may take a few minuts before the results are displayed.
The member who was added most recently will be displayed at the bottom.
Edit an awarded member
Follow the steps below to edit an existing awarded member.
- Hover your cursor over the member you want to edit, and click the pencil icon
Edit the title and choose filters (Department, Position, and Criteria)
※Click here to see more details for filters for awarded posts. -
Click "Save" and wait until the search results are displayed
※It may take a few minuts before the results are displayed.
Delete an awarded member
Follow the steps below to delete an awarded member.
- Hover your cursor over the member you want to delete, and click the bin icon
- Click "Delete"
Filters for awarded members
See below for the details about each of the filters for awarded posts.
You can choose up to 10 departments.
The system uses the Boolean command "OR" when you use apply a filter.
(Example) If you choose Department A and Department B
⇒The search results will show posts that include recipients who belong to Department A or Department B.
When you choose a parent department, its child departments will also be included in the search results.
(Example) You selected Department A in the filter. It has Department B and Department C as child departments.
⇒The search results will show posts whose recipients belong to Department A,Department B, or Department C.
- Members' departments are as of the last date of the "posts extraction period".
You can choose up to 10 positions.
The system uses the Boolean command "OR" when you use apply a filter.
(Example) If you choose positions "Manager" and "Leader"
⇒The search results will show posts that include members who have a position of "Manager" or "Leader".
- Members' positions are as of the last date of the "posts extraction period".
You can choose one of the following.
- "Most posts sent”
- ”Most posts received”
- "Most claps sent”
- "Most claps received"
Customization examples for awarded members
Below are some examples for awards you can create by applying different filters.
Good Leader Award (Sent posts)
"Department:unspecified department" x "Position:Leader" x "Criteria:Most posts sent”
"Department:unspecified department" x "Position:Leader" x "Criteria:Most posts sent”
HR Good Leader Award (Sent claps)
"Department:HR department" x "Position:Leader" x "Criteria:Most claps sent”
"Department:HR department" x "Position:Leader" x "Criteria:Most claps sent”
Sent posts (Marketing Department)
"Department:Marketing department" x "Position:unspecified position" x "Criteria:Most posts sent”
"Department:Marketing department" x "Position:unspecified position" x "Criteria:Most posts sent”
Members who received the most number of claps (Tokyo HQ)
- "Department:Tokyo HQ" x "Position:unspecified position" x "Criteria:Most claps received”