・I can't post from Workplace.
・I failed to link Workplace to Unipos.
▼I can't post from Workplace.
Please confirm if any of the following apply to you.
1. The entry format is incorrect.
→Click here for more details
2. You don't have a Workplace account.
Please request an invitation to the admin.
3. Your Workplace account is not synced with your Unipos account.
You need to sync your Workplace account and Unipos account to send posts.
→Click here to see how to sync Slack
4. The recipient doesn't have / has not synced their Workplace account to Unipos.
The recipient also needs to have a Workplace account and sync it with their Unipos account to receive your posts.
5. Your account or your email address for Workplace does not exist on Unipos.
Registered email addresses need to match on Workplace and Unipos for both sender and recipient of a post.
6. Number of letters
You can include up to 400 letters per post.
7. You don't have enough points.
If you are trying to send more points than you have, an error will occur as you don't have enough points.
You can send up to 120 points per post.
▼I failed to link Workplace to Unipos.
Please confirm if any of the following apply to you.
- You are using different email addresses on Workplace and Unipos.
- Unipos is already linked to a certain workspace
※You can link Unipos to once workspace on Workplace.