・How to create/turn on rewards
┗ Create rewards
┗ Display rewards on members' screens
┗ Turn on "Rewards Function Setting"
・How to edit a reward
・How to delete a reward
How to create/turn on rewards
Access Team Admin > Culture Rewards > Rewards List
Create rewards
1. Click "Add new."
2. Enter each item
You can upload an image that is in the jpg or png format and is under 500KB in size.
You can upload an image that is in the jpg or png format and is under 500KB in size.
[Required information] Reward name
Up to 50 letters
Up to 50 letters
[Required information] Description: Enter the detailed description for the reward.
Up to 200 letters
Up to 200 letters
[Required information] Required points
Enter a number between 1 and 99,999
Enter a number between 1 and 99,999
Redemption History CSV memo
- Only the admins can view this item. The information entered here will be included in the Redemption history CSV. You can add notes or necessary information for collecting data for a CSV file.
- Up to 400 letters
3. Click "Save."
※The entered reward will not be visible to members at this point. You will need to turn on "Make public" and "Rewards Function Setting" to allow members to confirm culture rewards available to them.
Display rewards on members' screens
1. Turn on "Make public."
※If "Rewards Function Setting" is turned off at this point, members will not see culture rewards.
Turn on "Rewards Function Setting."
1. Click on “Rewards Function Setting” tab.
2. Turn on "Use the Culture Rewards function."
"Culture Rewards" will be displayed on members' menu and they can exchange their points to rewards.
※Once "Rewards Function Setting" is turned off, members' menu will not display "Culture Rewards." Members will not be able to request rewards or confirm their request status.
How to edit a reward
Access Team Admin > Culture Rewards > Rewards List
1. Choose a reward you want to edit and edit items.
2. Click "Save."
※If you edit "Required points", the new settings will be applied immediately after the updated information is saved. For requests submitted before "Required points" are edited, old "Required points" will be applied.
How to delete a reward
Access Team Admin > Rewards > Rewards List
※Deleted rewards cannot be restored.
1. Choose a reward you want to delete and click "Delete."
2. Confirm the information and click "Delete."
The selected reward has been deleted.
※Requests submitted before the deletion of the rewards will remain effective.
Related articles
About culture rewards requests