・Announcements by admin
┗ Examples
・How to use / utilize "Announcements by admin"
・How to announcements by admin
┗ Add an announcement by admin
┗ How to announcements by admin public / private
┗ How to send an email notification about the announcements by admin
┗ How to edit the announcements by admin
┗ How to delete the announcements by admin
Announcements by admin
You can use this function to post notifications from the admins to the employees.
- We recommend posting how to use Unipos, launching a campaign to increase hashtag usage, listing FAQ, etc.
Announcements can be sent to members by check the "Notify members (email, push notification)".
- Email notifications will only be sent to members with status 1 (Inviting / Awaiting sign-up) and status 2 (Active).
Announcements will be displayed at the right of the timeline.
Click the title to jump to the notification page.
If there are more than 3 announcements, you can click "See all" to display all of the announcements.
How to use / utilize "Announcements by admin"
Please refer to the following to make use of the notification function, which will help activate employee use of the system.
Disseminate the purpose and benefits of the introduction once again
Find areas that can be improved from the usage details
How to announcements by admin
Access Team Admin > Awareness > Announcements
Add an announcement by admin
- Click "Add Announcement"
- Enter the announcement (title and text), and "save"
※The title can be up to 60 letters and the text can be up to 1000 letters.
※You can register up to 10 announcements.
How to announcements by admin public / private
If you turn on the "Publishing Setting" and save the announcements, members will be able to view the announcements.
※In the smartphone app, after an "Announcements by admin" is created and set to be public, restarting the app will reflect the announcements.
If you want to make announcements private, turn off the "Publishing Setting" and save again.
How to send a notification about the announcements by admin
If you check and save "Notify members (email, push notification)", members will receive notifications.
※Individual members are not able to choose whether or not they receive notifications.
※The title and text of the announcement will also be displayed in the email notification. If necessary, please include English content when you create an announcement.
<Email Samples>
Title: 【Announcements by admin】{Announcements by admin title}
こんにちは、{user name}さん。
■ {Title}
How to edit the announcements by admin
- Hover over the announcement you want to edit and click the pencil icon
- You can edit an announcements, click "Save"
※If you check "Notify members (email, push notification)" and save the edited content, a notification will be sent out to members.
※"Announcements by admin" will be displayed in the order of creation date.
※The created date shows the date and time the announcement was created. If you edit an announcement after it has been created, the created date will not be rewritten.
How to delete the announcements by admin
- Hover over the announcement you want to delete and click the bin icon
- Click "Delete"