Please refer to the table below.
The error message | How to respond to the error message |
An unknown error has occurred. Please contact Unipos from the [Support] icon at the bottom right-hand corner. |
Please contact Unipos customer support. |
Your authentication has expired. Please refresh your browser and re-upload the file. |
You have left the same screen open for over an hour and have tried to upload a file. Please reload your browser and upload your file again. |
The number of items and data don't match. Please ensure that the items are not deleted. |
The first row of the template file contains a blank or combined cell(s). Enter items as you wish to register them, but do not delete the information on the first row. Please re-upload the revised file. |
The item name (XXXX) is not correct. Please make sure the name only includes letters that can be registered. |
The item names are incorrect or cannot be registered. Please ensure that valid item names are entered, and re-upload the revised file. |
The number of rows exceeds the limit in your CSV file. Please keep it within 2001 rows (the first row contains items) and re-upload. | When your CSV file exceeds the maximum number of rows, please prepare multiple CSV files. |
Another CSV file is being processed. Please re-upload the new file after the current file has been processed. |
Only one file can be processed at a time. Please wait until the current file has been processed. |
The updating process did not complete. Please wait and re-upload. |
If an upload takes over 15 minutes, the processing may have failed. Please confirm your connection and re-upload the file. |
Name: This is a mandatory field. | A member name(s) is missing. Please enter the information. |
Name: Search Name: Use 80 letters or less. | You can enter up to 80 letters per name. |
Search Name: Use 32 letters or less. | You can enter up to 32 letters per search name. |
Search Name: You cannot contain whitespace characters. | Please do not contain whitespaces(space) characters in the search name. |
Email address: This is a mandatory field. | An email address(es) is missing. Please enter the information. |
Email address: Enter half-width alphanumeric letters. | You can use half-width alphaneumeric characters and symbols (-, ., _) for email addresses. |
Email address: Use 256 letters or less. | You can enter up to 256 letters per email address. |
Email address: It is duplicated. | Email addresses is duplicated in the CSV. Please do not duplicate. |
Email address: Email address are already registered. |
Your CSV file includes an email address which is already registered with Unipos. Please access here and select "Email address" for the search window option. Then, enter an email address to confirm whether it has been registered already. |
Email address: It is registered by a different team already. | The email address is registered by another team already. Please enter a different email address which has not been registered yet. |
Employment Status: Enter a half-width number between 0 and 7. 1. Executive 2. Permanent Staff 3. Contract Staff 4. Agency Temporary Staff 5. Part-time Staff 6. Subcontractor 7. Other 8. Unselected |
You have entered a full-width number(s) or invalid number(s). |
Employee number: Must be under 10 letters. | You can enter up to 10 letters per employee number. |
Department: The number of departments exceeds the limit. You can register up to 10 departments per user. |
You can enter up to 10 departments per member. If an employee belongs to multiple departments, please separate them with commas. Example) 1000,2000,20001 |
Department: Unregistered department codes are entered. Please confirm your registered department codes here. |
You have entered a department code(s) which is invalid or has not been registered. Click here for a list of registered departments. |
Position: Unregistered positions are entered. Please confirm your registered positions here. |
You have entered a position(s) which is invalid or has not been registered. Click here for a list of registered positions. |
The item name(searchName) is not correct. “screenName” has been renamed to “searchName” since 2023/05/23. If you are using the CSV before the change, please change the item name to “searchName” or download the new CSV again. |
This message is displayed when CSV containing the item name “screenName” is uploaded after 2023/05/23. Please change the item name to "searchName" or download a new CSV template and try again.
Items are incorrect. Please download the correct CSV file and enter information in the proper format. |
It is displayed in one of the following. ・You have entered both your email address and Login ID.
Login ID: This is a mandatory field. |
Login ID is missing. Please enter the information. |
Login ID: It is registered. |
Your CSV file includes a Login ID which is already registered with Unipos.
Login ID: Use 50 letters or less. |
You can enter up to 50 letters per Login ID. |
Login ID: It is duplicated. |
Login ID is duplicated in the CSV. Please do not duplicate. |
Login ID function is off, so the information can't be registered. Please turn on the Login ID function in the Team Admin page. |
You are entering a Login ID even though you are not using the Login ID function. Please see the following page, turn on the Login ID function, and try again. |