・How are the points divided when I clap for a post addressed to multiple members?
・How many recipients can be added to a post?
・How many points can I send with a post?
・How do I see a list of the recipients for a post?
┗ The order of recipients
・How are the received points displayed?
┗ Notifications for received posts (notification tab)
┗ Timeline
How are the points divided when I clap for a post addressed to multiple members?
Each clap uses 2 points. The points will be divided among the sender and recipients of the post as evenly as possible.
Depending on the number of recipients or claps, small discrepancies may arise in the points divided among the sender and recipients.
Example) A post was sent to two recipients, and it received 10 claps.
20 points (10 claps x 2 points) will be divided among three people (a sender and two recipients) as evenly as possible. These three people will receive 6 or 7 points.
How many recipients can be added to a post?
Each post can have up to 120 recipients.
How many points can I send with a post?
Regardless of the number of recipients, you can send up to 120 points per post.
If you want to add 3 recipients to a post, you can send 40 points to each of them.
When you create a post, please specify the number of points you want to send to each recipient.
How do I see a list of the recipients for a post?
Hover your cursor over the recipient names, and you can see all the recipients.
※If you are using the app, tap the recipient names.
■ The order of recipients
Members are displayed in the following oder.
- You
- Members you follow
- Other members
※If you are viewing a post on a member's profile page, that member will be listed at the top of the recipient list.
※If there are multiple members who fall under the same condition, they will be displayed in a random order.
How are the received points displayed?
■ Notifications for received posts (notification tab
You can see the total points (points each member received x the number of recipients).
■ Timeline
You can see the number of points each member received.