・What is Usage per Month?
・How to check data
┗ Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance
┗ Basic indexes
┗ Download CSV
・The definition of each index and calculation methods
┗ Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance
┗ Basic indexes
・Data reflection
・Other Notes
・Relevant articles
What is Usage per Month?
You can review the Unipos usage transitions for your entire organization, or for individual departments.
Only members with admin authority or analytics viewer authority can view this page.
※The data up to the day before the "Last updated" date will be collected and displayed.
※The breakdown of usage via the web version or the app cannot be confirmed.
How to check data
Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance
Specify a time period
You can specify any data extraction period in months to view the monthly / total number of posts and the monthly / total number of claps.
Basic indexes
Specify a time period
You can specify any data extraction period in months and view the data for each indicators.
Choose departments
You can specify departments for each indicator.
The data for each of the selected departments will be displayed, and you can compare them to analyze trends.
※You can select up to 10 departments.
※You can't select a department which didn't exist at the time of the data updating.
Download CSV
You can download a CSV file containing the data for "Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance" and "Basic indexes".
Click "Download a CSV file for all members" and specify any period of time in months to download.
The definition of each index and calculation methods
Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance
Monthly number of posts
You can review how many posts have been sent per month.
Total number of posts
You can review how many posts have been shared to express appreciation.
Monthly number of claps
You can review how many claps have been sent per month.
Total number of claps
You can review how many claps have been shared to express appreciation.
Basic indexes
Each percentage is calculated based on the number of members whose status is either "Inviting / Awaiting sign-up" or "Active".
The account status is referenced to the status as of the last day of each month.
※The total results for the month are as of the day before the renewal date.
※Posts addressed to multiple members are also counted.
How well admirable actions are shared
Access (%)
= (The number of members who accessed Unipos once or more in a month) / (The number of "inviting/awaiting sign-up" or "active" members) *100
Review the percentage of people who accessed Unipos via a web browser or a smartphone app. You can check the ratio of members who see other members' good actions.
※Access through the external tools such as Slack and Teams will not be counted towards the number.
※However, if you access the browser version of Unipos via the Teams Unipos app or a web browser, those activities will be included in Access (%).
Post recipients (%)
= (The number of members who received a post once or more in a month) / (The number of "inviting/awaiting sign-up" or "active" members) *100
Review the percentage of people who received posts. You can check the ratio of members who received recognition for their actions.
Spreading admirable actions
Average character count
= the average number of characters based on all of the posts for the month.
Review the average number of characters per post. The longer the posts are, the more easily members can understand the content.
※When a post is addressed to multiple members, each post will be counted towards the average number of letters once, regardless of the number of recipients.
Team hashtag usage (%)
= the percentage of posts which include team hashtags.
Review the percentage of posts that include team hashtags. It shows how your organization's defined admirable actions are spread among the members.
※When a post is addressed to multiple members, each post will be counted towards the team hashtag usage (%) once, regardless of the number of recipients.
In addition to the indicators of “Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance” and “Basic indexes”, the following indicators can be review in the CSV.
Posts (%)
= (The number of members who posted once or more in a month) / (The number of "inviting" or "active" members) *100
The percentage of people who have posted on Unipos. It shows whether people recognize admirable actions through posts.
Claps (%)
= (The number of members who clapped once or more in a month) / (The number of "inviting" or "active" members) *100
The percentage of people who have clapped on Unipos. It shows whether people recognize admirable actions through claps.
Action Rate (old: Members who used points) (%)
= (The number of members who used points once or more in a month by posting or clapping) / (The number of "inviting" or "active" members) *100
The percentage of people who have used points through posts or claps. It shows whether people recognize admirable actions through posts and claps.
Point Usage per member (old: Point usage) (%)
= (Used points) / (Credited points) *100
The average percentage of usage for the 400 points added to each member every week. Check how many points are used per week.
※Points are counted towards the data for the month they are reset.
・Points granted on June 19th
⇒ The points will be reset on June 26, so they will be counted towards the data for June.
・Points granted on June 26th
⇒ The points will be reset on July 3, so they will be counted towards the data for July.
Data reflection
Data are updated once a day, by noon each day.
The timing when the latest data is reflected to the system may change each day. If you wish to review the data including the day before, please check after 12pm.
Other Notes
For "Admirable actions and appreciation at a glance", if your organization subscribed to the Basic plan as of July 2022, the data prior to June 2020 will not be available.
- The data for July 2022 will include the total number of posts and claps since your organization signed up for Unipos up to Jule 2022.
- The number of posts and claps at the bottom of the chart is from when your organization started using Unipos.
- The data for "Basic indexes" up to April 23, 2019 reflect the information for members whose status was "Inviting / Awaiting sign-up" or "Active" as of April 24, 2019.
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