・What are hashtags?
┗ ①Team hashtags - registered by the admin of each organization
┗ ②Regular hashtags - members can create unique hashtags
・When a hashtag is not recognized as a link
┗ How do I ensure that a hashtag recognized as a link?
・How to register a team hashtag
┗ How to add a team hashtag
┗ How to edit a team hashtag
┗ How to delete a team hashtag
┗ How to rearrange a team hashtag
What are hashtags?
You can use "#" to add a tag to your post.
When you click a hashtag, you can see all other posts that only the same hashtag.
There are two kinds of hashtags.
①Team hashtags - registered by the admin of each organization
Team hashtags can include your organization's behavioral goals and are helpful in establishing them among the members.
Team hashtag suggestions will be displayed when you click "#" in the message field.
②Regular hashtags - members can create unique hashtags
Creating your own hashtag is simple - just enter ”#" and a word / phrase of your choice.
Make sure to add a half-width space before "#" so that your hashtag is displayed in light blue and the hashtag search function is enabled.
When a hashtag is not recognized as a link
To have a hashtag recognized as a link, you need to have a half-width space or more between the text and a hashtag.
Good example: There is a space between "Thank you" and "#".
Bad example: There is NO space between "Thank you" and "#".
How do I ensure that a hashtag recognized as a link?
Tap or click the "#" icon on the top left-hand corner in the message field.
This way, a half-width space will be automatically added and your hashtag will be recognized as a link.
How to register a team hashtag
Acsess Team Admin > Team > Custom Settings >Team Hashtags
How to add a team hashtag
- Click "Add Hashtag".
- Fill out both fields: "Hashtag name" and "Type again in lowercase with no space". Click "Save".
※You can register up to 40 team hashtags.
※Enter a team hashtag in two different ways, it will allow users to search the team hashtag they want to use more easily.
By default, the following three team hashtags are registered, all of which can be edited or deleted.
- 私は知っている(読み:watashihashitteiru)
- 部署を超えて(読み:bushowokoete)
- あの日の感謝(読み:anohinokansha)
※For companies that have set the language of the team to "English", the following three are registered by default.
(These can also be edited or deleted.)
- IKnow(alias : iknow)
- AcrossTheTeams(alias : acrosstheteams)
- GratitudeOfThatDay(alias : gratitudeofthatday)
How to edit a team hashtag
- Hover your cursor over the team hashtag which you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
- Click "Save".
How to delete a team hashtag
- Hover your cursor over the team hashtag which you want to delete and click the bin icon.
- Click "Delete."
※Deleted team hashtag can't be restored.
(If you re-register the deleted hashtag, the existing data will not be preserved.)
How to rearrange a team hashtag
- Hover over a team hashtag which you want to to rearrange.
- Drag the "=" sign on the left side of a section to change the order.
※Team hashtags on the post screen will be displayed in the same order as the list on the "Team Hashtags" admin page.