・What are loading messages?
┗ Unipos messages
┗ Team messages
・How to set up loading messages
┗ How to set up Unipos messages
┗ How to add team messages
┗ How to edit team messages
┗ How to delete team massages
・The content of Unipos messages
What are loading messages?
Loading messages are displayed when Unipos is loading.
Two kinds of loading messages are available: Unipos messages and team messages.
Unipos messages
Unipos messages are default loading messages that explain how to use Unipos.
Admins can change the display settings.
Team messages
Team messages are loading messages that admins are free to set up.
Admins can add, edit, and delete it.
The logo and team name displayed in the team messages can be changed from "Team Admin > Team > General Settings >Team Profile". Please refer to "Team profile" for details on how to change your team profile.
How to set up loading messages
Accsess Team Admin > Team > Custom Settings > Loading letter
How to set up Unipos messages
Turn the Unipos messages display "ON" or "OFF".
Unipos messages will be displayed in the default settings "ON".
How to add team messages
- Click "Add Team Message"
- Enter the team messages and click "Save".
※If you want to display team messages only, "turn OFF" Display Unipos messages.
※Each team messages up to 140 letters long and Up to 30 cases can be added.
How to edit team messages
- Hover over the team messages which you want to edit and click the pen icon.
- After edit the team massages, click "Save."
※Team messages will start displaying from the second time Unipos is launched.
How to delete team massages
- Hover over the team messages which you want to delete and click the bin icon.
- Click "Delete."
The content of Unipos messages
- There are two kinds of points: "Points You Received" and "Points You Can Send."
- "Points You Can Send" will be reset on Sundays. 400 points will be credited to your account on Mondays.
- The maximum points you can send at once is 120 points.
- You can send messages even when you don't have any "Points You Can Send" left.
- You can create hashtags. Use unique hashtags to express your feelings!
- There are Team Hashtags (registered by team admin) and hashtags that users can create.
- Click hashtags to see the posts that used the same hashtags.
- The information on your dashboard is updated daily. Who claps the most to you?
- React to posts and share your warm feelings with everyone!
- The sender and recipient of the post get one point each per clap.
- The maximum number of claps is 60 per post.