・What is a department filter on the timeline?
・How to set up a departmental filter
・If the department filter cannot be set
What is a department filter on the timeline?
In the Timeline, you can set a department filter to narrow down the posts to be displayed.
When a department filter is set, posts sent/received by members of the selected department will be displayed.
How to set up a departmental filter
1. Log into Unipos and open your timeline
2. Click "Department filter"
3. Choose up to 10 departments or teams you want to display on the timeline
Your selected departments or teams will be displayed above the department filter.
※If you choose a parent department, all the child departments underneath that parent department will be automatically chosen.
※If you choose a child department, its parent department will NOT be chosen.
If the department filter can’t be set
Please see I can't set a department filter on the timeline.