If a member or a department does not come up on the suggested recipient list when you create a message, please check the following.
① Has the member or their department been registered with Unipos?
You can't send a message to someone who is not registered with Unipos. You also can't narrow down members by using a department which is not registered with Unipos.
If you are not sure whether registration has been completed, please contact your organization's admin.
② What kind of character was used to register the member's name, their display name, or the department name?
Types of characters (half-width letters, full-width letters, Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana) matter when you use the search function.
When you search a member, you need to enter characters in the same way as their name was registered with Unipos.
If you are not sure what type of characters are registered in a member's name・their display name, please check with yourself or your organization's admin.
If you don't know the name of the registered department, please check the department filter.
Example 1) You want to send a message to "伊藤友宏" (the name or display name is registered in kanji)
- ○:When you search one or more kanji characters that are included in the name ("伊藤", "伊", "藤", "友", etc.), the member will come up in the search results.
- ×:This member will not come up in the search results if you search "いとう", "イトウ", "ito" etc.
Example 2) You want to send a message to "Tomohiro Ito" (the name or display name is registered in half-width alphabet)
- ○:When you search "Tomo", "tomo",or "TOMO" in half-width alphabet, the member will come up in the search results. You can search in capital or lower case letters.
- ×:This member will not come up in the search results if you search in full-width letters, such as "Tomo", "tomo", "TOMO", "とも", or "トモ".
Example 3) You want to search members who belong to the Sales Department (the department name is registered in kanji)
- ○:When you search one or more kanji characters that are included in the name ("営業", "営", "業", "部", etc.), the department will come up in the search results.
- ×:This department will not come up in the search results if you search "えいぎょう", "エイギョウ", "eigyo", etc.
③ Can you enter more characters in the recipient field?
The suggested recipient list displays up to 50 names that match the characters you enter.
If you only enter a few characters, not all of the registered names may be displayed in the suggested list. You can try typing more characters to narrow down the suggested names.